Sunday, June 15, 2008

France: Days 4 & 5

Well then, let's get started, shall we?

On day four, we started out with the usual breakfast of basically a baguette and Orangina (carbonated orange juice). I, Hunter, woke up a litlle *ahem* earlier than Tommy and Dylan so I was the first one to eat. Well, taking the effort to wake earlier and eat, I decided I desereved a nap. When I awoke, we went to Paris to the airport and waited for a few hours around for Angelina to get off the flight. They were a bit late so we did some more napping. We returned to our cozy maison and chillaxed for a few minutes before going straight to a Festival de Art (or something along those lines). We saw a few interesting acts but nothing to special so we decided to walk around town and grab a quick drink at the café. Angie saw some sweet cakes and we all got a lil bit of ice cream. We waited for a bit for Bibi to pick us up and we were on our way back home. Me and Tommy did some frisbee throwing at the park while Dylan stayed home to work on the blog. We had a nice dinner with Angelina, and Bibi thought his new vest was just swell (pictured).

The next morn' Angie went back to the states and we took some more naps. Philippe decided that it was a good day to go take some names in Paris. It was about an hour and a half's drive so we took our iPods and did s'more napping (We just like to take naps, ya know?). When we got there, we walked to Notre Dame, saw a lot of gargolyes, and a lot of stone, aaaand a lot of stained glass. Next, we hopped on a bus labled Disneyland but ironically, never took us there. Where it did take us, though, starting from Notre Dame, we went to the Champs Elysees, we saw the National Assebly Building, the Eiffel Tower, the Opera, and the Military Academy. Next was the Louvre, and the Arch de Triumphe. We finally went home and ate a nice dinner of steak hache and pasta. Uhhhh well, I think that's about it then. To you dudes having maybe a semi-boring time back in the States, we are going to Normandy for a few days so we will see you later! (Remember, for those tech-challenged, you can always click on the picture for full-size. Peace.)


jen said...

Hey Garcia boys! Love the pictures! Looks like a GREAT summer so far... Aren't the pastries awesome??

Devon Bardole said...

hey, see any freerunners? if so, tell them devon said hi.

Chbase said...

Did you go to the resturant ontop of the effiel tower?